History of Chris Kyle Post 388 (formerly Clyde Voorhies Post 388)

Documents found in the Safety Deposit Box at Wells Fargo February 2013 contained the following information.

Newspaper Clippings from Midlothian Argus Newspapers at Meadows Library Midlothian, Texas

Request for assistance: As you read this history and determine that you have documents concerning the Post please contact Dave Day at 931-237-4720 or at salsquadron388adjutant@gmail.com.

The History of Clyde Voorhries Post #0388 of the American Legion, Department of Texas October 1944 to March 2013.

Ms. Annetta Hughes provided the following documents to help with establishing the following bits of history of Post #388 from 1990 to 2000. Genealogy Area Meadows Library Midlothian High School.

American Legion Post #388 received its’ Charter in October 1944. It was named after a Midlothian resident named Clyde Voorhies. Mr. Voorhies was a young Marine Private during the First World War and was stationed in France where he was reportedly killed. His death was listed in the New York Times in June 1919.

No documents have been found for the period October 1944 through February 1946.

On 1 March 1946, C.H. Cowart and Rosa Cowart sold a building at 109 N. 8th Street, Midlothian, Texas to Forrest Dunlap, Commander, Clyde Voorhries Post #388, of the American Legion. Commander Dunlap paid Mr. Cowart the sum of $10.00. On April 12, 1946 the document was recorded and notarized by B.B. Cowart, Notary Public Ellis County, Texas. County Deputy Clerk Betty Lou Hargrove processed the document. All signatures were missing from document. The property was described as lots 2 and 3 of block 16 in the town of Midlothian, Ellis County, Texas. This property is the same as identified as from the Deed from W.W. Major to Farmers Guarantee State Bank, dated January3, 1919 as recorded in Volume 237, Page 41, Deed Records of Ellis County, Texas. The Post Officers named are Forrest Dunlap, Commander, W.R. McElroy, Adjutant, and their successors in office of the American Legion. Annotated on the document was Volume 375 page 484.

Midlothian Mirror posted 11 January 1946, reported that Mr. W.R. McElroy, Post Adjutant, announced the 1 st Post meeting of the year was scheduled for the evening of 14 January 1946. Mr. McElroy said that a number of important matters were to be discussed and it is urgent that a large group be in attendance so that necessary decisions may be taken. (No minutes were found as to the number of Legionnaires in attendance and what topics were discussed, motions made or approved.

Midlothian Mirror posted 15 February 1946, reported the Legion Auxiliary held their monthly business meeting 11 February in spite of cold weather. In the absence of the President Mrs. Ethel Hughes, Mrs. Maurine McDonald presided. Each member had brought a Valentines Card to send to Mrs. Hughes in the hospital. There were eleven members present. After the business was attended to the meeting was turned over to the program chairman. Mrs. Barnett Jenkins Was presented and gave a fine talk on “Americanism” and the “American Way of Life”. The group then entered into a round table discussion of “The Racial Problems”.

Midlothian Mirror posted 15 February 1946, reported that on 11 February the Legion had it regular monthly meeting with twenty-nine legionaries present and nine new being initiated. The new members were William Harris, Jack Ford, Rex Jenkins, H.W. Turner, M.T. Ford, Marvin McMillan, Penn Jones Jr., and James Strickland. Legionnaires on sick call were Barett Jenkins, Vice Commander and L.F. Hughes, Chaplain. The progress of the building committee was made by George Sewell, Chairman of the committee. Work is expected to begin soon as the title to the building has been completed. The legion is planning to start a membership drive soon in an effort to bring many of the soldiers and sailors returning to the local Clyde Voorhries Post. Vice Commander, S.B. Pichard, who presided at the last American Legion Post 388 meeting urges every ex-service men to come and make his home with the legion in an effort to service his community and preserve the memories of his and his countries part to the grand war.

Midlothian Mirror posted 22 February 1946, reported that the Legion moved to the building behind Midlothian First National Bank. The building was previously occupied by textile manufacturing. Legion is awaiting completion of their new Post Headquarters.

Midlothian Mirror posted 1 and 8 March 1946, reported a membership drive for Legion Post. Posters were made to post all over town. It read “EX-SERVICEMEN Identify yourself with your local veterans unit” Join The ClydeVoorhries Post of The AMERICAN Legion in Midlothian.

Midlothian Mirror posted 15 March 1946, reported the Legion had its monthly scheduled meeting on 11 March andtalked about planning for the completion of the new Legion Hall. George Sewell reported on the progress of thebuilding. It was reported that the trucks and material would be available soon to move the necessary dirt into thebuilding before the concrete floor could be poured. Boss Pickard reported the shortage of day labor will require PostMembers to volunteer to move and spread the dirt and help lay the concrete when ready. Members were asked tovolunteer. It was also reported as the building was being torn down to the usable skeleton it was noted that 50% ofthe roofing timbers were not usable which altered the extent the type of roof that could be placed on the newstructure. The building will be an asset to the town and the community as well as the Legion unit, which has beenorganized little more than year ago should be congratulated for the fine progress that is being made.

Midlothian Mirror posted 15 March 1946, the Legion Auxiliary meeting on 11 March approved a motion to salepoppies on Veteran’s Day. The members also approved motions to contribute $10.00 to the Junior Baseball Club tofurther the child welfare work. They also approved to send a 10 lb. box to a specified French orphan. Each memberwas asked to donate 50 cents to the effort. Members present were Ethel Hughes, Minnie Goodwin, Willie Moore,Deborah Bradley, Millie Mae Smith, Mattie Keith Warren, Wilma Few, Maurine McDonald, Lottie Wilson, CleoMcElroy, Blanche, Leila Gouger, Ethel Page and Maxine Page. Dorothy Pinkerton and Mildred Gilbert were initiated.Letters of Appreciation from hospital representatives were read acknowledging gifts and money sent to the veteransfor Christmas by the Auxiliary. The Auxiliary was presented a check for $250.00 from the Legion. Wilma Few,Maurine McDonald and Mattie Keith Warren were appointed to go with a committee from the Legion to buy furniturefor the new Post Headquarters. Following the program pie and coffee was served by the Legionaires.

Midlothian Mirror posted on 2 May 1946, the 6thDistrict Spring Convention of the American Legion was being heldin Ennis on Saturday and Sunday. The 6thDistrict had 23 American Legion Posts in its’ district. The Ennis PostCommander H.G. McElroy was hosting the convention.

Midlothian Mirror posted 13 May 1946, the Legion had its’ monthly scheduled meeting on 8 May, with thirty fivemembers present including five new members. They were Miss Jane Sewell, Pat Hendricks, Thomas Bryant, W.M.McKennon and James Beckam. In the absence of all the elected a motion carried unanimously that a call meeting bemade soon for the post and a new set of officers be elected. Members will be notified by postcard when the meetingis to be held. After a short session, the meeting adjourned for a social function in which the auxiliary joined the men.

Midlothian Mirror posted 30 May 1946, that Eugene Page had been elected Commander of Clyde Voorhries Post#388 for 1946-1947. At a called meeting of the American Legion on Thursday evening for the election of officers forthe coming year, the following list was elected: Eugene Page, Commander; George Sewell, 1stVice Commander;Penn Jones Jr., 2ndVice Commander; Simon McElroy, Adjutant and Service Officer; Fred Spearman, Sergeant atArms; Rutledge Cowand, Historian; W.C. Ralston, Chaplain. The new officers were to be installed at the June 1946meeting. A grand benefit was planned to help swell the building fund of the new American Legion home underconstruction. The in-tertainment committee appointed consisted of Eugene Page, Peen Jones, William Harris, JoeMcElroy, Hilly Mahanay and R.E. Byrd.The legion lacked several hundred dollars to complete the building and in addition to the benefit each of the 100 members then belonging to the organization was asked to donate a supplementary $10.00. This was added to contributions already made. No request for funds from the public had been made. However, contributions from the public would gratefully be appreciated. The grand jamboree was planned for 21 June 1946, at the formal opening of the new building. This was to show the public what the local Post was doing and would give the public a chance to become more closely acquainted and united. Members were urged to keepthe date in mind and let nothing interfere with the night of entertainment and fun that was being planned for everyone.

Midlothian Mirror posted 7 June 1946, the legion announces their movement to the new Legion Hall soon.

Midlothian Mirror posted 21 June 1946, opening of new Legion Hall. Installation of Officers was done by L.F.Hughes. It was recalled by Mr. Hughes that the new officers were the first elected officers for the post that theprevious officers had been appointed by committee.

Midlothian Mirror posted no articles for July and August 1946, about the Legion Post.

Midlothian Mirror posted 8 September 1946, Legion Drives for Membership of 150. A whirlwind campaign designedto bring the membership of the American Legion to 150 was instituted this week and a Special MembershipCommittee, composed of J.F. Hughes, Leon Daily, William Harris, Thomas Bryant and Rutledge Cowand will makevigorous efforts to get more former servicemen’s names on the Legion rolls within the next few weeks. It was reportedthat 300 men in the Midlothian Area are eligible for membership in the Legion Post and hopes that at least half willbecome members. Present membership is in the eighties.

Midlothian Mirror posted 11 November 1946, that the American Legion has sunrise service at Sanders Dining Roomto celebrate Veterans Day . The location of the Sanders Dining Room was not given.

Midlothian Mirror posted 12 January 1947, there were twenty-five members present at the regular scheduledmonthly meeting of the American Legion. A resolution was made to borrow money from the bank to complete thebuilding to the original plans. The resolution was adopted. Harold Patton made a resolution to buy a board for allmembers in good standing. It was also discussed about the Legion getting a car to give away at the 4 July Rodeo andPicnic. Legion gave the Auxiliary a large room in the new building to hold their meetings in.

Midlothian Mirror posted 10 February 1947, eighteen members attended the American Legion regularly scheduledmeeting. Special meeting planned for Thursday 13 February to move the Legion’s museum of artifacts donated bythe members from World War I and World War II, fromthe First National Bank to the new Legion Hall.

Midlothian Mirror posted no articles about the American Legion or the Auxiliary from March 1947 to July 1947.

Midlothian Mirror posted 11 August 1947, that George Sewell, Commander; Milton Pegram, 1stVice Commander;B.B. Bradley, 2ndVice Commander; George Hopper, 3rdVice Commander; William Harris, Historian, Bartley Cowart,Service Officer; Simon McElroy, Welfare Officer; Jimmy Kay, Sergeant at Arms, John Charles Rice, Sergeant atArms, Dewitt McDonald, Finance Officer. Ice Cream and cookies were served after the meeting.

Midlothian Mirror posted 11 November 1947, that the American Legion hosted a sunrise breakfast to honor thosewho served and died for their country. Thirty-five members of the Legion and Auxiliary attended the breakfast.

Midlothian Mirror posted 8 December 1947, that the American Legion and Auxiliary had scheduled a ChristmasParty for 8 December 1947. Members who attend will bring a male or female appropriate gift not to exceed 50 centsin value.

Midlothian Mirror posted 12 December 1947, that eighty-five members of the American Legion and Auxiliary andother guest had attended the party.

Midlothian Mirror posted 9 February 1948, that the Legion Auxiliary had a scheduled monthly meeting but littleinformation was available.

Midlothian Mirror did not post any information on the Legion having a regularly scheduled meeting for January orFebruary 1948.

Midlothian Mirror posted 8 March 1948, the Auxiliary had a regularly scheduled meeting. It mentioned that theAuxiliary donated $10.00 to the Junior Baseball Team.On 19 April, 1948, George S. Sewell, Milton H. Pegram and Dewitt McDonald voluntarily associated themselvestogether for the purpose of forming a private corporation, under the terms and conditions here in after set out asfollows: The name of the corporation is Clyde Voorhries Post #388, of the American Legion, Department of Texas.The location of where the business was to be conducted was Lots 2 and 3 of Block 16,in city of Midlothian, Texas,valued at $3,500, furniture and fixtures in said building were valued at $500 cash on hand in First National Bank Midlothian was$2,104.71 for a total value of $6,104.71. C.H. Cowart was the Notary Public for the document.

Midlothian Mirror posted no regular scheduled meetings of either the American Legion or the Auxiliary for June1948 to September 1948.

Midlothian Mirror posted 29 October 1948, the Auxiliary announced they would start selling Poppies starting 6November for Armistice Day (Veterans Day).

Midlothian Mirror posted 8 November 1948, the Auxiliary had a scheduled regular meeting where it was reportedthey had $65.00 in sales of the Poppies. Auxiliary planned for a Christmas Dinner for 13 December. Men and womenwere asked to bring male or female appropriate gift costing not more than 50 cents.

Midlothian Mirror posted 16 November 1948, the Auxiliary held a special meeting to announce that signs in schoolcrossing areas had been erected. Ms. Pauline Few was elected as the representative to attend the District AuxiliaryMeeting in Waxahachie 5 December.

Midlothian Mirror posted 13 December 1948, that the American Legion and Auxiliary had their Christmas Party atthe Legion Hall. The meal consisted of Sandwiches, pie, potato chips, pickles, mints and coffee.

Note the years 1949 through 2012 have not been researched through the Midlothian Mirror more is to come.

On 30 September 1963, is the first known filing of Clyde Voorhies Post #388 of the American Legion, beingincorporated as a Non-Profit Corporation under Article 9.01 of the Texas Non-Profit Act by: L.F. Hughes,Commander; Clyde P. Trotter, Adjutant; G.L. Hopper, Vice Commander; H.M. Mahanay, Finance Officer. It wassworn to by all signers before George S. Sewell, Notary Public, in and for the County of Ellis, on same date. Theaddress provided was 107 North 8th Street Midlothian, Texas as the office of the Corporation.A letter from E.A. Page to the Secretary of State, dated 16 May, 1969, regarding the incorporation of the ClydeVoorhries Post #388, of the American Legion, Department of Texas that the incorporation was under the laws ofTexas on 8 July, 1948 and was for 50 years. The registered agent was L.F. Hughes, 107 North 8th Street, Midlothian,Texas. The corporation was presently entitled to transact business in Texas. The three original incorporators wereGeorge S. Sewell, Milton H. Pelgram and Dewitt McDonald. Signed Martin Dies, Jr., Secretary of State.

On 14 December, 1981, a Resolution was offered, seconded and unanimously adopted: E.A. Page, Commander;Noel Coward, Vice Commander; H.M. Mahaney Jr., Finance Officer, they being empowered to sell the property of theClyde Voorhries Post #388, American Legion, Department of Texas to Ramsey, Ramsey and Associates for the sumof $24,500. George S. Sewell, Adjutant, attested to he was present when the resolution was passed. George S.Sewell, appeared before Pat Mitchell, Notary Public, Ellis County, Texas, and duly sworn, that he executed the same and consideration therein expressed, in the capacity stated, dated 22 December 1981. The attached Exhibit A described the property as lots 2 and 3 of Block 16.

An undated handwritten note written on a George Sewell Agency notepad noted Sale Price of Building $24,500, rate of commission 6%, due commission $1,470, left to Legion $970.00, balance due $500.00.

A copy of a Greater Dallas Board Of Realtors, All Cash or Owner Financed-Residential Earnest Money Contract(Resale) listing parties as American Legion Clyde Voorhries Post #388 and Corine Ramsey, Lyle Weston Ramsey DBA Ramsey Properties. The property being sold is described as 109 N. 8th Street. The price listed was $6,000 cash payment at closing, $18,500.00 financed total amount of sale $24,500. Closing was scheduled for 5 January, 1982,with the first payment scheduled for 5 February, 1982. Trinity Title and Abstract Company handled the Owner’s Policy Of Title Insurance. Two things to be removed by date of closing were a Large Glass Case and one Pool Table.

Document #7- A copy of the Deed of Trust between Ramsey Properties and American Legion Clyde Voorhries Post#388, dated 12 January, 1982. The American Legion hall is sold to Donald Wetzig. This document was signed by Lyle Westin Ramsey and Corine Ramsey. Signatures were Notarized by Teresa Y. Noggle, Notary Public, in and for Ellis County, on 15 January 1982. The sum was $18,500.

An agreement of Lease between American Legion Post #388 and Mr. R.W. Few dated 29 January, 1982. Agreement was the lease of space to store Post #388 furniture and equipment only. The rent was $20.00 a month for a 14’X24’room in the southeast corner of a two story building on lot 10, block 12, original town. The copy was neither signed by both parties nor notarized.

A letter written by Teresa Noggle, of Trinity Abstract and Title Company, documenting a conversation between herself and Mr. Jim Lemley, Assistant Manager of the Department of Texas American Legion regarding the disbursement of funds of a post (building) was sold. Mr. Lemley advised that the only time their department was entitled to receive funds from such a sale was in the event a post went defunct, then all assets went to the Department of Texas for their handling, selling, whatever; That if the Post was selling to move to a larger building, or for funds to be used by post as set out in their charter, that the only procedure to be followed was the meeting and minutes where a vote was taken, seconded, carried, etc. that the funds were disbursed to the local post for their use and benefit. (Note that there were no minutes found regarding a Vote being taken.)

A letter from Trinity Abstract and Title to the Clyde Voorhries Post #388, dated 3 March, 1982, regarding the Mortgagee Policy of Title Insurance regarding the Sale of the Post Building. A copy of the policy was attached to letter. The date of Policy is dated 1 February, Document #10- (continued) 1982. Vendor’s Lien retained in Deed dated 12 January, 1982, executed by American Legion Clyde Voorhries Post #388, Midlothian, Texas, to Lyle Weston Ramsey and wife, Corine Ramsey, DBA Ramsey Properties, securing payment of one note of even date therewith in the principal amount of $18,500.00 payable to the American Legion Clyde Voorhries Post #388, Midlothian, Texas,and being additionally secured by Deed of Trust of even date therewith to Mr. Donald Wetzig, trustee, said Deed of Trust filed for record in the office of the County Clerk of Ellis County, Texas, on 1 February, 1982, under Clerk’s File#821.

A document from Trinity Abstract and Title Company to American Legion Clyde Voorhries Post #388, dated 16 December, 1986, referencing GF #81-M-14015 between Post and Lyle Weston Ramsey and wife, Corine Ramsey DBA Ramsey Properties. The preparation of Release of Lien totaled $32.00.

An undated document listing furniture, flags, numerous chairs all sold to Mr. W.R. Lawson for $244.30. Old wood desk was given to James Solomon and 1 bench and old table was given to James Robin. The document was not signed.

The history of the Post has been lost from December 1986 till a document was found, dated 1990, concerning the Certification of Post Officers.

The elected officers for 1990:

  • Jerry S. Hughes, Commander

  • T.E. Baxter, Adjutant

  • Jerry D. Mayo, 1st Vice Commander

  • Jack Baxter, 2nd Vice Commander

  • Robert Horne, Finance Officer

  • Jim Feemster, Service Officer

  • Gene Page, Judge Advocate

  • George Sewell, Historian

  • T.E. Baxter, Chaplain

  • Lester Allen, Sergeant at Arms

In 1990, the Post received an Annual Americanism Citation from the National Americanism Commission of the American Legion.

Midlothian Mirror posted 20 June 2000, the front page headline “American Legion Post 388 names officers”. The article highlighted three news items: the names of the new officers; Ms. Onita Sewell, Charter Auxiliary Member of American Legion Post 388; Mr. Gene Page, oldest member of American Legion Post 388.

The elected Post Officers for 2000-2001:

  • George D. Collins, Commander

  • Jack Baxter, 1st Vice Commander

  • Dave Tyler, 2nd Vice Commander

  • T.E. Baxter, Adjutant

  • George Collins, Service Officer

  • Jerry Hughes, Finance Officer

  • Gene Page, Judge Advocate

  • James Carter, Historian

  • T.E. Baxter, Chaplain

  • Delbert Ray, Sergeant at Arms

(Note no information can be found for period from 2000 to 2002.)

The 2003-2004 Certification of Post Officers, undated, provided the following:

  • T.E. Baxter, Commander

  • T.E. Baxter, Adjutant

  • Jerry Hughes, 1st Vice Commander

  • C.B. Mallard, 2nd Vice Commander

  • George Collins, Service Officer

  • Jerry Hughes, Finance Officer

  • Jerry Hughes, Judge Advocate

  • D.F. Walters, Historian

  • T.E. Baxter, Chaplain

  • Delbert Ray, Sergeant at Arms

Midlothian Mirror posted 13 November 2003, the post was celebrating Veterans Day Breakfast, at the Midlothian Civic Center. The picture shows (Left to Right) (Front Row), Ms. Hughes, Ms. Walters, High School Students Will Hensley, Abby McCullough, Mr. T.E. Baxter and Mr. Delbert Ray. (Back Row) Mr. D.F. Walters, Mr. Jerry Hughes,Mr. George Collins. Hensley and McCullough attended Boys and Girls State on American Legion Scholarships.

A number of Invitation Cards were provided to both Independence Day and Veteran Day celebrations for the period 1989 through 2005.

A number of photographs of the dedication of the American Legions Memorial at the old Police Department on Veterans Day 1995.

(Note: No information has been found for the period 2005 through 2013)

On 18 January 2013, Mr. John Hince, 6th District Commander, Department of Texas, directed that Post #388 either meet their goal of 15 members, Certify their Officers or lose its’ charter. The mission was handed to George D.Collins, Past Commander 2000-2001, 2001-2002.

On 3 February 2013 the tragic loose of Retired Navy Chief Chris Kyle to the Midlothian Area was discussed with the members of the Post at the scheduled meeting on 11 February. The proposal was discussed and approved to research the possibility to change the name to honor Chris Kyle for both his military career on the battlefield and his work with veterans suffering from battlefield related health problems.

Post Meeting Minutes: On 11 February 2013, the American Legion had a regular scheduled monthly meeting. Mr.John Hince, Commander, 6th District, Department of Texas, held the election of new officers for the remainder of the2013. The eleven members present were Jim Schico, Ron Coleman, Jerry Miller, Robert Stephens, Brandon Collins,C.J. Perry, Merle Burton, George F. Collins, George D. Collins, Steve McKInney, Kenneth Stephens and Gerald Ruby. The new officers was conducted by Mr. John Hince, Commander, 6th District, Department of Texas.

The elected officers were:

  • George D. Collins, Commander

  • C.J. Perry, 1st Vice Commander

  • John E. Strange, 2nd Vice Commander

  • Merle Burton, Adjutant

  • James Collins, Finance Officer

  • Lee Conyers, Chaplain

  • Brandon S. Collins, Service Officer

  • Steve McKinney, Sergeant at Arms

  • Judge Advocate, (Vacant)

On 13 February 2013, the mission of building the membership was handed to Mr. C.J. Perry, 1st Vice Commander.He scheduled a number of Membership Drives at Wal-Mart Midlothian. Out of the two scheduled drives saw the Post welcome over thirty-five new members.

On 15 February 2013, Commander Collins contacted American Legion, Department of Texas Headquarters, who tentatively approved the name change if the Kyle Family approved the use of Chris Kyle’s name. Mr. Wayne Kyle was sent a letter requesting permission to use Chris’ names.

On 27 February 2013, a letter of approval from the Kyle Family was received and the paperwork was submitted to the Department of Texas on 28 February.The Post was renamed as of March 23, 2013, to honor another Midlothian citizen who not only honored himself onthe battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan but after his retirement he continued his dedication to the phrase “no one left behind.”

Clyde Voorhies Post 388 Renamed to Chris Kyle Post 388:  The Post was renamed officially the “Chris Kyle” Post #388 on March 23, 2013 when the Commander of the American Legion, State of Texas, signed the new charter. The Post’ new charter was received on April 1, 2013.

Meeting Minutes: On 8 April 2013, the Post held its’ regular scheduled monthly meeting with twenty-one members, 3 potential legion members, 3 potential Auxiliary members and one guest present. They were: Dr. Blake Mannis, CEO of No Limit Warriors, George D. Collins, George F. Collins, Jim Schico, C.J. Perry, Jerry Miller, Robert Stephens,Lewis A. Hand, Lee Conyers, Gregory Blevins, Brandon Collins, Steve McKinney, Jeremy Langley, John E. Strange,Robert V. Cato, Thomas F. Johnson, William Hollabaugh, Kenneth Stephens, Randall Hill, Alan K. Barber and Steve Greene. The potential members were David Millett, Ms. Holly Millet, Ms. Julia Blevins, Mr. Joe Cabler, and Mrs. Joe Cabler. Mr. Cabler volunteered to lead the Post Riders and Ms. Julia Blevins volunteered to re-establish the Auxiliary.The new Post Website was discussed. It is near completion and should be on the search engines soon. The webaddress is aolpost388.com. Dr. Blake Manis gave a brief introduction to the members on his Non-Profit organization“No Limit Warriors”. A planning committee was appointed for the Memorial Day Celebration for the renaming of the Post. It was reported by Mr. C.J. Perry that the membership was at fifty paid members. The members paid up as of 23 March 2013, are considered Charter Members. If you were not at the meeting you need to be at the 13 May 2013 meeting so you can get your signature on the original charter.

The Post submitted its’ new Constitution and By-Laws to the State Headquarters for approval on April 9, 2013. The Articles of Incorporation were submitted to the Secretary of the State of Texas.

The Post has attained 413.3% in new membership (total 62) as of 04/19/13.

The Post will celebrate the official renaming of the Post on Memorial Day, May 27, 2013.

Executive Meeting Minutes: On 16 April 2013, the first meeting the Post Executive Committee was held at the Whataburger in Midlothian. Those present were George Collins, C.J. Perry, Lee Conyers, John E. Strange, Merle Burton, Jim (Collins) Schico and Jerry W. Miller. See the minutes on file at aolpost388.com.

On 21 April 2013, George Collins, Commander and C.J. Perry, 1st Vice Commander, contacted Mr. Danny Rodgers at Citizens National Bank, Midlothian, Texas, regarding the Certificate of Deposit #5111 dated 15 June 1986. (Background) Mr. Paul Baxter, son of the of the past post adjutant T.E. Baxter, had contacted Mr. Bill Hollabaugh,past officer of Clyde Voorhries Post #388, concerning a call he had received from CNB. Mr. Hollabaugh in turn notified Mr. Collins of the information. Mr. Collins, C.J. Perry and Jim Schico contacted the bank. The terms of the CD were: the principle was rolled over upon maturity and the bank sent a check, containing the Interest, to Mr. Baxter Who in turn deposited it in the Post checking account at Wells Fargo Bank. Documentation was obtained for future reference and the mail to address was changed from P.O. Box 483, Midlothian, Texas, to P.O. Box 942, Midlothian,Texas to be picked up by Mr. Schico, Post Finance Officer, who would deposit it at Wells Fargo in the Post checking account. Documentation showed that all checks received on this CD had been deposited except the one dated 12June 2012. Mr. Danny Rodgers said he would have the check cancelled, re-issued and mailed to the new address.Also Mr. Baxter was the only signer on the CD so that was changed to George Collins, Commander; Merle Burton,Adjutant; and Jim Schico, Finance Officer. The signatures are consistent with the CD and Checking Account at Wells Fargo. All documentation is in a file, to be reviewed upon request, and is to be transferred to the successors of the Post Finance Officers position.