The American Legion is at its very core, veterans serving veterans. Years ago, when you marched across the parade ground and graduated from boot camp… A life of service began. A life of service to your country and a life of service extended one handshake at a time, from one veteran to another, passed down through the years. This post is named after and dedicated to the memory of a great American veteran who did exactly that, served his fellow veterans one handshake at a time. Here, that handshake stands for a welcome and an unquestioned friendship. Thank you for your service and welcome to a community in which it is not forgotten, but honored and shared.

Forget anything you have ever heard about veterans’ organizations; toss out any stereotypes. Come to a meeting, and learn that although our organization is international and over one hundred years old…the Legion is local and full of veterans young and old; veterans who enjoy a mutual sense of service and volunteerism. The Legion is also a family, with the Sons of the American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary, and the American Legion Riders. You will find that your neighbor may have been in your squadron, or aboard a ship you once served on. You will find others who still believe in the Americanism we enlisted to protect and now are privileged to own a tiny piece… Look no further than your DD-214. That is your title document to a legacy of uniformed service. Thank you for your service, sincerely and respectfully… Come visit us and see what the Legion is all about.

Welcome aboard, I look forward to seeing you on the second Monday of the month, 6pm, at the Midlothian Civic Center, 224 S. 11th Street, Midlothian, Texas.

William D. Wallace
Chris Kyle Post 388


Chris Kyle American Legion Post 388

2022 - 2023 Officers 

Commander: Judge William Wallace

Historian: Rich Raymond

Past Commander: Gary Wadsworth

Vice Commander: Jason Roy

Judge Advocate:

Adjutant: Ed Cheshire

Sgt-At-Arms: Time Glasheen

Finance Officer: Michael Hayes

Chaplain: Timothy Anderson

The above Officers and Members at Large are in charge of various committees.
Your help and support is greatly appreciated and certainly valued.
If you wish to get involved in a specific area, or have a suggestion to make,
contact the appropriate individual and see where you can contribute.
We are always looking for ways to improve our internal services to our members, and outreach services to our community and to military support and service groups and charities.